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Who We Are

We are a growing, local church with a worldwide vision!

We are located in Barelas, the heart of Albuquerque, New Mexico. With a congregation of young families, youth and strong couples, we are winning the world for Jesus Christ one soul at a time! You'll feel right at home as we welcome you in with a warm smile and a handshake. Stop by for a visit, you'll be glad you did!

Pastor David and wife Christine Vialpando

David and Stine.PNG

David grew up in Albuquerque, NM. Being raised by born again believers, David was the typical church kid. He knew all the right things to say and do to keep up the illusion of being saved around the Church and his own family but at school and away from his parents, he was a completely different young man. Involved in sin, he was miserable underneath the "church-kid" facade. It wasn't until he was 19 years old that he truly repented and surrendered his heart to Jesus. He's been saved since and has never went back to his old ways!
Christine grew up in Socorro, NM, raised in a broken and often chaotic home. As a young teen, Christine began drinking, doing drugs and involving herself in immorality. Being left broken and hurt by her own choices of sin, Christine attempted suicide on more then one occasion. At 19 years old, she found herself in a small church, at the altar asking for forgiveness from her sins. She has been changed and different since that very night all thanks to the grace and mercy of Jesus Christ!

David and Christine met in May 2015, while both serving in their local church and by September 2015, they were married. They pioneered a church in Dallas, Texas for 3 years, After which, they returned to Albuquerque to serve at their mother church for a few short months before God moved them on to their next chapter. In December of 2021, Pastor David and Christine were blessed with the privilege of taking over the wonderful Barelas congregation.   
"Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin..."
-Zechariah 4:10

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